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Friday, September 14, 2012

இந்தியாவில் வயக்ரா

ஸ்டீவ் கிளார்க் மூலம்இந்திய ஆண்களுக்கு அதன் கொண்டாட்டம் நேரம். ஏங்குகிறான் பல ஆண்டுகள் கழித்து, பிரபலமான நீல மாத்திரையை இந்திய ஆண் பாலியல் வாழ்க்கை குணமடைய இந்திய மண்ணில் வரப்போகிறது. Zydus காடிலா, சன் பார்மா மற்றும் Alchem ​​உற்பத்தி வயக்ராவின் பல உருவங்களுடன் சில்டெனாபில் சிட்ரேட்டின் உருவாக்கங்களை பயன்படுத்தி சந்தையில் கிடைக்க வேண்டும் ஆனால் அசல் வயக்ரா இதுவரை கிடைக்க வில்லை என்று. அசல் சிறிய நீல மாத்திரையை விறைப்பு (ED) சிகிச்சை மருந்து முக்கிய ஃபைசர் இந்தியாவில் தொடங்கப்பட்டது.ஃபைசர் இந்தியாவில் கிடைக்கும் ED மருந்து மூலம் பெரும் லாபம் சம்பாதிக்க போகின்றது எனவே இந்தியா சில்டெனாபில் சிட்ரேட்டின் மாத்திரைகள் ஒரு பெரிய சந்தை உள்ளது. மருந்து உற்பத்தியாளர் அதன் புகழ் காரணமாக இந்திய சந்தையில் உண்மையான பெயர், வயக்ரா கொண்டிருக்கிறாள். இப்போது வரை, வயக்ரா இறக்குமதி மற்றும் கருப்பு சந்தை பாதை மற்றும் நான்கு மாத்திரைகள் ஒரு பேக் ரூ 80 மிகவும் பிரபலமான உள்ளூர் உருவாக்கங்களை செலவு மூலம் விற்கப்படும்.இது விறைப்பு பாதிக்கப்பட்ட ஆண்கள் மிகவும் பயனுள்ளதாக இருக்கும் என வயக்ராவின் கிராஸ் கலக்கம். ஒரு சாதாரண விறைப்பிற்கு நிகழ்வுகள் ஒரு துல்லியமான வரிசை தேவைப்படுகிறது மற்றும் பொதுவாக ED நிகழ்வுகள் எந்த பாதிக்கப்படும் போது ஏற்படலாம். வரிசை நிறுவனம் cavernosa மற்றும் அருகில் நரம்பு மூளையில் உத்வேகத்தை, முள்ளந்தண்டு, மற்றும் பகுதி ஆண்குறியை சுற்றி, மற்றும் தசைகள் பதில், இழைம திசுக்கள், நரம்புகள், மற்றும் தமனிகள் அடங்கும்.நரம்புகள், தமனிகள், மென்மையான தசைகள், மற்றும் இழைம திசுக்களில் பாதிப்பு பெரும்பாலும் ஒரு உள்ளார்ந்த நோய் காரணமாக இருக்கிறது. ED நோயாளிகளில் 70 சதவீதம் கணக்கு - நீரிழிவு நோய், சிறுநீரக நோய், நாட்பட்ட மது, மரப்பு, பெருந்தமனி தடிப்பு, வாஸ்குலர் நோய், மற்றும் நரம்பியல் நோய் போன்ற நோய்கள். தவிர, ED மற்றும் சில உளவியல் காரணங்களால் ஏற்படலாம். எட் இடைக்கிடை நிகழ்வு அனைத்து வயது மனிதன் மிகவும் பொதுவான, ஆனால் அதன் தொடர்நிகழ்வாகா கவலை ஒரு காரணம் இருக்க முடியும்.ஆனால் ED மருந்து வயக்ராவின் கிடைக்கும் நன்றி, நீங்கள் ஒரு எளிதான முறையில் உங்கள் ED பிரச்சினையை சமாளிக்க முடியும். இது நல்ல ரூட் இருந்து ED சிகிச்சை மூலம் உங்கள் பாலியல் உள்ளுரத்தை புதுப்பிக்க உதவும். வயக்ரா வாழ்க்கையின் ஒரு பகுதியாக செய்து ED விடைகொடுக்க.ஸ்டீவ் கிளார்க், ஆசிரியர் முதன்மையாக சுகாதார தொடர்புடைய தலைப்புகளில் அல்லது சுகாதார தொடர்பான ஆராய்ச்சி முடிவுகளையும் கவனம் செலுத்தும் ஒரு அமெச்சூர் எழுத்தாளர்.கட்டுரை மூல:

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

भारत में वियाग्रा

भारत में वियाग्रास्टीव क्लार्क तकभारतीय पुरुषों के लिए जश्न का समय है. तड़प के वर्षों के बाद, प्रसिद्ध नीली गोली भारतीय मिट्टी में आने के लिए भारतीय पुरुष के यौन जीवन को चंगा करने के लिए जा रहा है. हालांकि वियाग्रा के कई क्लोन जाइडस कैडिला, सन फार्मा और ALCHEM द्वारा उत्पादित sildenafil सिट्रट योगों का उपयोग करके बाजार में उपलब्ध किया गया है, लेकिन मूल वियाग्रा अब तक उपलब्ध नहीं था. मूल छोटी नीली गोली दवा प्रमुख फाइजर द्वारा भारत में स्तंभन दोष (ईडी) के इलाज के लिए शुरू किया जाएगा.भारत sildenafil साइट्रेट गोलियाँ के लिए एक बड़ा बाजार है तो फाइजर के लिए प्रवर्तन निदेशालय भारत में उपलब्ध दवा बनाने से बड़ा लाभ कमाने के लिए जा रहा है. दवा निर्माता कंपनी भारतीय बाजार के लिए अपनी लोकप्रियता के कारण मूल नाम, वियाग्रा रखे हुए है. अब तक, वियाग्रा आयात किया गया था और काले बाजार मार्ग और सबसे लोकप्रिय चार गोलियों का एक पैकेट के लिए 80 रुपये के आसपास स्थानीय योगों लागत के माध्यम से बेचा जाता है.वियाग्रा की सनक के रूप में यह बेहद स्तंभन दोष से पीड़ित लोगों के लिए फायदेमंद है बेफिक्र हैं. एक सामान्य निर्माण की घटनाओं का एक सटीक अनुक्रम की आवश्यकता है और आम तौर पर प्रवर्तन निदेशालय हो सकता है जब घटनाओं के किसी भी बाधित है. अनुक्रम मस्तिष्क में तंत्रिका आवेगों, स्पाइनल कॉलम, और क्षेत्र में लिंग के आसपास है, और मांसपेशियों में प्रतिक्रिया, तंतुमय ऊतक, नसों, और कॉर्पोरा Cavernosa में और निकट धमनियों शामिल हैं.नसों, धमनियों, चिकनी मांसपेशियों, और रेशेदार ऊतकों को नुकसान सबसे अक्सर एक अंतर्निहित रोग का एक परिणाम हैं. प्रवर्तन निदेशालय के मामलों के बारे में 70 प्रतिशत के लिए खाते - मधुमेह, गुर्दे की बीमारी, पुरानी शराब, एकाधिक काठिन्य, atherosclerosis, रोग, और स्नायविक रोग के रूप में इस तरह के रोग. इन के अलावा, प्रवर्तन निदेशालय कुछ मनोवैज्ञानिक कारण के रूप में अच्छी तरह से करने के लिए कारण हो सकता है. प्रवर्तन निदेशालय के निराला घटना सभी उम्र के आदमी में बहुत आम है, लेकिन अपने लगातार घटना चिंता का एक कारण हो सकता है.लेकिन प्रवर्तन निदेशालय दवा वियाग्रा की उपलब्धता के लिए धन्यवाद, आप एक सरल तरीके से प्रवर्तन निदेशालय की समस्या के साथ सौदा कर सकते हैं. यह u जड़ से प्रवर्तन निदेशालय के उपचार के द्वारा अपने यौन जीवन शक्ति को पुनर्जीवित करने में मदद कर सकते हैं. वियाग्रा जीवन का एक हिस्सा और प्रवर्तन निदेशालय को अलविदा कहने.स्टीव क्लार्क, लेखक एक शौकिया स्वास्थ्य संबंधी विषयों पर मुख्य रूप से या स्वास्थ्य से संबंधित अनुसंधान के निष्कर्षों पर ध्यान केंद्रित लेखक है.अनुच्छेद स्रोत:

Sunday, September 9, 2012

హెర్బల్ సప్లిమెంట్స్ తో సహజంగానే లాస్ట్ లైంగిక పవర్ పునరుద్ధరించు ఎలా? డాక్టర్ ఈస్టన్ పాట్రిక్ ద్వారా

లైంగిక శక్తి కోల్పోవడం ఒక వ్యక్తి యొక్క చెత్త నైట్మేర్స్ ఒకటి. సెక్స్ జీవితం పురుషుల కోసం చాలా ముఖ్యం మరియు వారి భాగస్వామి సంతృప్తికరంగా వారి జీవితాల్లో ఒక ముఖ్యమైన పాత్ర పోషిస్తుంది. ఒక వ్యక్తి ఎల్లప్పుడూ అందువలన అతను తగినంత అతని పక్కన స్త్రీ ఎలా ఇకపై పురుషులు అని అతనికి అర్థం లైంగిక శక్తి కోల్పోవడం, మగతనం తన స్థాయి బెడ్ లో తన నటనకు అనుబంధిస్తుంది. లైంగిక శక్తి కోల్పోవడం చాలా కారణాలు నుంచి వచ్చాయి చేయవచ్చు. ఇది ఒక వ్యాధి లేదా వృద్ధాప్యం యొక్క ఫలితంగా కూడా ఉండవచ్చు. ఏ వ్యాధి ప్రభావితం కాని యువ పురుషుల్లో లైంగిక శక్తి సాధారణంగా పైగా హస్త ప్రయోగం మరియు అధిక సంధ్యవేళ కారణంగా జరుగుతుంది కోల్పోయింది. ఇది సాధారణంగా ఈ రెండు చెడు పద్ధతులు మొదటి ఫలితాలు.ఈనాడు కోల్పోయిన వయోజన పునరుద్ధరించడానికి అనేక మార్గాలు ఉన్నాయి. మార్కెట్లో అందుబాటులో ఉన్న అన్ని ఉత్పత్తులను, తక్కువ లిబిడో మరియు లైంగిక డ్రైవ్ ఇకపై పాత పెరుగుతున్న సంబంధం కలిగి ఉంటాయి. మీ లైంగిక శక్తి తగ్గుతుంది కారణంగా సంబంధం లేకుండా ఏ, సమస్యను పరిష్కరించడానికి ఒక పరిష్కారం లేదు. అయితే, మీరు ఒక ఎంచుకున్నప్పుడు, మీరు చాలా జాగ్రత్తగా ఉండాలి. మీ పరిస్థితి హస్త ప్రయోగం మీద లేదా సంధ్యవేళ యొక్క యొక్క, ఒక వ్యాధి యొక్క ఒక పరిణామం ఉంటే మొదటి గుర్తించడానికి ఉన్నాయి. ఇది ఎవరికీ సిఫార్సు లేదా కృత్రిమ పదార్థాల మరియు ఆ హామీని మీరు ఒక అసాధారణ లైంగిక జీవితం కలిగి కౌంటర్ ఉత్పత్తులు పైగా ఉపయోగించడానికి సురక్షితం. కృత్రిమ పదార్థాల వైపు ప్రభావాలను కలిగి ఉంటుంది మరియు మీరు సమయం ఇతర మందులు లేదా ఇతర వైద్య పరిస్థితులు వ్యవహరించవచ్చు.మీ సమస్య యొక్క మూల కారణంగా గురించి ఖచ్చితంగా కాదు, ముఖ్యంగా ఇది ప్రకృతి ఉత్పత్తులు ఉపయోగించి కోల్పోయింది లైంగిక శక్తి పునరుద్ధరించడానికి మంచిదని. పురుషుల లైంగిక సమస్యలను పరిష్కరించడంలో మరియు మీరు విరామంలో ఒక ఖ్యాతిని కలిగి అనేక మూలికలు ఉన్నాయి. వారికి సరైన కలిపి కుడి మూలికలు ఉపయోగించి మరియు వారు మెరుగ్గా వాటిని నిర్వహించడం ఎందుకంటే మా పూర్వీకులు తమ lovemaking ప్రదర్శనలు గురించి అన్ని సంబంధిత వద్ద లేవు.హెర్బల్ సప్లిమెంట్స్ మాత్రమే మీరు కోల్పోయింది లైంగిక శక్తి పునరుద్ధరించడానికి సహాయపడతాయి, కానీ చివరి ఇక మీరు చేసే, కష్టం అంగస్తంభనలు ఇష్టమైతే, మీ మొత్తం పనితీరును మెరుగు. వారు దీన్ని గురించి ఆలోచించడం, సమాధానం సులభం. లైంగిక శక్తి బలంగా మీ రక్త ప్రవాహం ఎలా మంచి మరియు టెస్టోస్టెరాన్ స్థాయి కలిగి ఉంది. అటువంటి booster నాళికలను వంటి హెర్బల్ సప్లిమెంట్స్ ఈ రెండు ముఖ్యమైన అంశాలు మరియు లైంగిక శక్తిని కలిగి ప్రమేయం ఇతర వాటిని కవర్ మరియు ప్రేమ చేయడానికి మీ శరీరం యొక్క సహజ సామర్థ్యాలను మెరుగుపర్చడానికి. అన్ని తరువాత, మీరు మీ శరీరం చైతన్యం నింపు ప్లాన్ మరియు మీరు మీ దీర్ఘ శ్రేయస్సుపై ప్రభావితం చేసే అసహ్యకరమైన దుష్ప్రభావాలు అభివృద్ధి అయ్యే ప్రమాదాన్ని ఈ చేయాలని లేదు, ఎందుకంటే ఒక సహజ విధానం ఎల్లప్పుడూ మంచిది.నాక్టర్నల్ ఉద్గార చికిత్స గురించి మరింత చదవండి. అలాగే లైంగిక బలహీనత నయం ఎలా తెలుసు.ఆర్టికల్ Source:

Friday, September 7, 2012

Herbal Remedies for Over Masturbation Side Effects That You Can Trust

By Dr Andrew Napier

Even though young men are tempted to believe that masturbating too much can't do them any harm, the truth is the exact opposite. In the beginning, men only focus on the pleasure that masturbation is giving them and don't even imagine that in years, bad things can happen due to this habit. Over masturbation effects affect both a man's health and his social life and ability of having a normal relationship or of having babies.
As long as it only takes place once in a while, there is nothing wrong with the act of masturbating. It only becomes harmful when it starts being practiced more than three times a week, daily or even more often. It is difficult not to cross the line between indulging in a simple pleasure every now and then and masturbating frequently.
The most common over masturbation effects, and the most bothering ones, are related with a man's ability to have normal sex. Due to excessive masturbation one can develop dysfunctions like erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation or sexual weakness. Injuries and abrasions on the male organ might also occur. Other over masturbation effects are fatigue, back pain, testicular pain and even hair loss.
Fortunately, if you only realized you have a problem when the consequences became visible, there are some very effective herbal remedies for over masturbation effects. Herbs that have been used as aphrodisiacs were noticed to also be helpful in curing sexual dysfunctions and other problems related with over masturbation. Herbal remedies also treat leaking semen, a very embarrassing and dangerous situation caused by masturbating excessively. They give you back your virility and sexual power.
The most known herbal remedies for over masturbation effects are all comprised in NF Cure Capsules. These capsules contain herbs like Mucuna puriens, shilajit, saffron, ashwaganda, shatavari, safed musli and many others. NF Cure Capsules can deal with all the over masturbation effects and can make you able of enjoying a satisfactory sexual life again. They also have an aphrodisiac effect and they naturally increase the libido, which might be reduced due to frequent ejaculation and other possible dysfunctions.
It is also recommended to use essential oils for penile massage in order to end sexual weakness, premature ejaculation or leaking semen. Mast Mood Oil is very effective and it is also good to be used by those that have noticed their male organ has cured in time from too much masturbation. Massage with herbal oils helps you regain your initial shape and vigor.
Read more about Side Effects of Over Masturbation. Also know about Premature Ejaculation Cure.
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Herbal Remedies for Premature Ejaculation That Improve Your Staying Power

By Ryan Mutt
Premature ejaculation is a condition that affects million of men worldwide. It is terribly embarrassing and frustrating and it can turn one's life in an unpleasant experience. PE is also responsible for the end of many relationships. It is indeed hard to keep on living with a man that can't offer sexual satisfaction. Some say that PE is only of psychological nature, while others claim that it can also have physical causes.
There are still many things to be discovered about PE and its causes. Until then, it is commonly agreed that it is entirely curable thanks to herbal remedies for premature ejaculation. Since ancient times our predecessors were spicing up their sex life and were enhancing their performances using certain herbs. We should not hesitate too much before learning from their experience because herbal remedies are usually safe and don't have any side effects.
You might be wondering how do herbal remedies end premature ejaculation. The main idea is that they work in the entire body in order to solve the problem. Herbal remedies for premature ejaculation balance your hormones, especially testosterone, improve your blood circulation and provide you energy. Everybody knows that hormonal balance and blood flow are crucial for having a firm and long lasting erection.
There are many herbal remedies for premature ejaculation, but the most famous ones, the ones that have helped many men before you, are
1. Gingko biloba - It improves the blood flow in the entire body, especially in the brain. The direct consequence is increased energy level, vitality and clarity of thoughts. Performance and endurance in bed are also enhanced by this herbal remedy due to the improvement of the blood flow in the penile area.
2. Butea superba - It is widely used by the Thai medicine. People without any sexual dysfunction use it for performing better and a three month cure solves the problem of PE or weak erections.
3. Tribulus terrestris - At first it was only used as an aphrodisiac and its effects were great. Then it was noticed that thanks to the fact that it rushes blood into the male organ, it also cures PE and makes men last longer that usual.
4. Epidemium sagittatum - It is a renowned herbal remedy for premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction. It increases the testosterone level in the body and it also enhances sexual desire.
5. Shatavari - It is an herbal remedy used not only for PE, but also for other sexual dysfunctions or loss of sexual appetite. It provides plenty of energy to the body, making you feel better and younger.
Some of these potent herbs along with many other valuable natural aphrodisiacs are blended in a right proposition to form NF Cure capsule to treat premature ejaculation safely and effectively.
Read more about Premature Ejaculation Treatment. Also know about PrematureEjaculation Cure.
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Wednesday, September 5, 2012

How to Restore Lost Sexual Power Naturally With Herbal Supplements?

By Dr Easton Patrick

Losing sexual power is one of the worst nightmares of a man. Sex life is very important for men and satisfying their partner plays an important part in their lives. A man will always associate his performance in bed with his level of masculinity, so losing sexual power means to him that he is no longer men enough to deserve the woman next to him. Losing sexual power can derive from many causes. It can be the result of a disease or of aging. In younger men that don't suffer of any disease lost sexual power usually happens due to over masturbation and excessive nightfall. It is usually the first consequence of these two bad practices.
There are many ways nowadays to restore lost manhood. With all the available products on the market, a low libido and sex drive are no longer associated with growing old. Regardless what caused your diminish of sexual power, there is a remedy to solve the problem. However, when you choose one, you must be extremely careful. You have to first determine if your condition is a consequence of a disease, of over masturbation or of nightfall. It is neither recommended nor safe to use over the counter products that contain artificial substances and that promise you an extraordinary sex life. Artificial substances can have side effects and can interact with other medication you might be taking or other medical conditions.
Especially if you are not sure about the root cause of your problem, it would be better to restore lost sexual power using natural products. There are many herbs that have a reputation in solving men sexual problems and in rejuvenating you. Our ancestors weren't at all concerned about their lovemaking performances because they were using the right herbs in the right combination and they were maintaining them in good shape.
Herbal supplements not only help you restore lost sexual power, but also make you last longer, enjoy harder erections and improve your overall performance. If you wonder how they do this, the answer is simple. Sexual potency is strongly connected with how good your blood flow is and with your level of testosterone. Herbal supplements such as Booster capsules cover these two important aspects and also other ones involved in being sexually powerful and enhance your body's natural abilities to make love. A natural approach is always better because, after all, you plan to rejuvenate your body and you wouldn't like to do this with the risk of developing unpleasant side effects that might affect your well being on the long run.
Read more about Nocturnal Emission treatment. Also know how to cure Sexual Weakness.
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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

અકાળ નિક્ષેપ નેચરલ ક્યોર - જડીબુટ્ટીઓ અને ફૂડ નોકરીઓ

મેથ્યુ રયાન, તે દરેક વ્યક્તિ અને જાતીય પ્રભાવ સમસ્યાઓ એક જીવન સામનો મુખ્ય પિચ છે. આ એક સામાન્ય લાગણી છે, પરંતુ તે અકાળ નિક્ષેપ નિવડ્યું છે, તે પણ સંપૂર્ણપણે ફેરવી શકાય તેવું શરત કે મહત્વ અહીં છે. ત્યાં કંઇ તમે શું કરી શકો છો કે મને લાગે છે કે ત્યાં ભયાવહ બનાવવા કોઈ બિંદુ છે. હકીકતમાં, તે તમારી શક્તિ હોય છે અકાળ નિક્ષેપ અટકાવો.કારણો વિવિધ પલ્મોનરી એમબોલિઝમ માટે જ્યાં જીવી શકે છે, પરંતુ તેમાંના મોટા ભાગના કુદરતી દૂર કરી શકાય છે. સૌથી પ્રસિદ્ધ ઔષધો શ્રેષ્ઠ પથારીમાં છે તમારા શરીર દ્વારા નિયંત્રિત. વધુમાં, કોઈ સારવાર સંતુલિત અને તંદુરસ્ત જીવનશૈલી માં ઉકેલી શકાય છે. કૃત્રિમ ગોળીઓ અને શાશ્વત કાળજી તમારી સમસ્યા માટે ઉકેલ નથી. સૌથી સલામત અને અસરકારક કુદરતી પદ્ધતિ. તમારી સિસ્ટમ માટે અમુક તંદુરસ્ત ફેરફારો પણ તફાવત એક વિશ્વ બનાવવા વિશે.અનેક ઔષધિના અકાળ નિક્ષેપ અને અન્ય જાતિય નબળાઇ સારવાર માટે ઉપયોગ કરવામાં આવે છે. આયુર્વેદિક દવા પર NF ક્યોર શીંગો માહિતી જેવી કેટલીક. કુદરતી રીતે જ તમારા રક્ત હર્બલ પૂરક સહિત પરિભ્રમણ, સુધારવા માટે અને તમારા ઉર્જા અને તમારી કામેચ્છા વધારો જાઓ. ખુશબોદાર છોડવો રુટ પણ છે અકાળ નિક્ષેપ અંત માં અસરકારક. તે સામાન્ય રીતે ક્રીમ અથવા ઉકેલ સ્વરૂપે છે સ્થાનિક રીતે લાગુ પડે છે. Mucuna puriens અથવા કાઉન્ટર હર્બલ સામાન્ય રીતે અન્ય ઔષધો Tribulus terrestris મળી પૂરક બનાવ્યા.જો અમે હર્બલ સપ્લિમેન્ટ લેવા માટે તપાસો ખાતરી કરો કે, તેઓ તમામ કુદરતી. તમારા ખોરાક અને તમારા રોજિંદા ખોરાકમાં, જડીબુટ્ટીઓ, અપરિપક્વ નિક્ષેપ અને પરિણામો ઝડપથી જોઈ શકાય સુધારો. જો તમે તંદુરસ્ત ખોરાક ખાઇ રહ્યા છે અને ટાળવા પ્રયાસ કરો. પણ શક્ય છે શુદ્ધ ખાંડ અને ખરાબ ચરબી તમારા હૃદય, રક્તવાહિની તંત્ર, પ્રજનન સિસ્ટમ માટે ખરાબ ખોરાક દૂર, તમારા બેડ પણ ઉપલબ્ધ છે. પૌષ્ટિક ખોરાક અને ખોરાક કે ચયાપચય વધારો ઓળખાય છે ખાય છે. કારણ કે તેઓ તમારા મેટાબોલિક દર વધારો, કારણ કે ત્યાં કોઈ નુકસાન છે, તમારા પેટમાં મસાલેદાર ખોરાક ઉપયોગ કરે છે. લીલા તેના બદલે તમારા ઉત્થાન નિયંત્રણ ચા, અને એક અથવા બે મદદ દારૂના કારણે ખાતરી અપ્સ સરેરાશ દૈનિક વપરાશ. તે તમારા આરોગ્ય માટે સારી હોય છે અને તે ચયાપચય વધારે છે.માટે અકાળ નિક્ષેપ કુદરતી તણાવ વ્યવસ્થાપન રોકવા આયોજન મહત્વપૂર્ણ છે. તમારા જીવનમાં તણાવ દૂર કરો, અને તમે રિલેક્સ્ડ પૂરતી ઊંઘ અને રાહત યુકિતઓ રહેવા હોય પણ વ્યવહારમાં ઉપયોગી છે.અકાળ નિક્ષેપ સારવાર વિશે વધુ જાણો. ઉપચારો અકાળ તેમજ નિક્ષેપ.  Gujrat penis medicineલેખ સોર્સ:

Friday, August 24, 2012

આયુર્વેદ રેમેડિઝ - તે સ્વસ્થ જીવન એક પ્રકાર છે

આયુર્વેદ રેમેડિઝ - તે સ્વસ્થ જીવન એક પ્રકાર છે
Gujrati Medicine informationડૉ Gowthaman ક્રિસ આયુર્વેદ દ્વારા જીવનના સનાતન વૈદિક વિજ્ઞાન, પરંપરાગત ઓફ ઈન્ડિયા કુદરતી હીલિંગ સિસ્ટમ છે. આજે, આયુર્વેદ મન અને શરીરની દવાઓ મોખરે છે. આયુર્વેદ તેના પરંપરાગત આધાર બહાર સુધી ફેલાય છે અને સમગ્ર વિશ્વમાં ધ્યાન થઇ રહ્યો છે. જીવન અને સભાનતા તેની સમજ સાથે આયુર્વેદ ભવિષ્યના દવા બની જાય છે.આયુર્વેદ શાબ્દિક જીવન જ્ઞાન થાય છે. તેના મૂળભૂત સિદ્ધાંતોને બ્રહ્મા, સર્જક પોતે દ્વારા યાદ કરી હોવાનું માનવામાં આવે છે. બાદમાં આ શાણપણ નીચે પૌરાણિક આધાર દ્વારા મહાન દર્શકો સોંપવામાં આવી હતી. લેખિત આયુર્વેદ તારીખ પાછા ઘણાં યુગો અને અતિ જટિલ અને ઉચ્ચ ખ્યાલો કે જે તેમને સમાવિષ્ટ કરવું લખાણ આજે પણ વિવિધ તબીબી સિસ્ટમોની આધાર રચે છે. જેમ જીવન આયુર્વેદ એક વિજ્ઞાન માટે ખુશ અને નાખુશ જીવન કારણ કાચા એક મુસદ્દા દ્વારા જીવનના સારા અને ખરાબ વ્યવહાર સેટ કરવાનો પ્રયાસ કરે છે, જે તંદુરસ્ત અને અનિચ્છનીય છે. તે પણ આધુનિક વિશ્વની ઘણી વખત ઉત્તેજિત અને બિનઆરોગ્યપ્રદ જીવનશૈલી સંતુલન પૂરી પાડવા માટે માર્ગદર્શિકા વિગતવાર રજૂઆત.આયુર્વેદિક દવાઓ સિદ્ધાંત છે કે દરેક વ્યક્તિ એક અનન્ય બંધારણ છે કે તેમના મહત્વપૂર્ણ dosha અથવા humors તરીકે આયુર્વેદિક nosology અનુવાદ ઊર્જા સંબંધિત છે પર આધારિત છે. આ humors ઓફ સંતુલન પરિબળો વિવિધ પર આધાર રાખે છે. આયુર્વેદ હેતુ માટે સંતુલન reestablish જ્યારે અમે બીમાર છે અને તે સંતુલન જાળવી રાખવા માટે અમને તંદુરસ્ત રાખે છે. આયુર્વેદ કેવી રીતે ખોરાક, કસરત અને ઘણા અન્ય અપમાન બનાવવા પદ્ધતિઓ ભૂમિકા સાથે પ્રબુદ્ધ સુપર સભાન તમામ સ્તરો પર અમારા મનમાં મટાડવું છે.આયુર્વેદ મુખ્યત્વે આઠ ક્લિનિકલ સ્પેશ્યલટીઝની સમાવેશ થાય છે. તેઓ આ પ્રમાણે છે: - જનરલ (Kaaya cikitsaa) દવા, બાળરોગ (Baala cikitsaa), મનોચિકિત્સા (ભૂત ભવ્ય vidyaa), માથા અને ગળાના ભાગે (S `aalakya તંત્ર) ની સારવાર, સર્જરી (S` alya તંત્ર), ટોક્સીકોલોજી (Agada તંત્ર), કાયાકલ્પ (Rasayana તંત્ર) થેરેપી અને પ્રજનનક્ષમ દવા (Vajeekarana cikitsaa).Rasaayana અને vajeekarana થેરાપી આધુનિક યુગમાં ખાસ સુસંગતતા ધરાવે છે. જેમ જીવન પ્રદૂષિત અને વિકૃત અમારી દૈનિક અસ્તિત્વના ક્ષેત્રમાં આવી છે દરેક કુદરતી આશીર્વાદ સુધી અમને દૂર છે. સારવારની રેખા Rasaayana તરીકે સૂચિત અનુકૂળ એક માનસિક દ્રષ્ટિકોણથી ખાસ કરીને સ્વાસ્થ્ય સમસ્યાઓ સધ્ધર ઉકેલ શોધે છે. તે સ્વચ્છ કરે શરીર તદ્દન, તેના શ્રેષ્ઠ શક્ય કામ સ્તર સક્રિય મન પાછી મેળવે, કાયાકલ્પ એક લાગણી આપે છે. એક સરળતાથી જાતે સારવાર ના વિદેશી દેવત્વ શરણે શકે છે.Vajeekarana ઉપચાર એક મહત્વનું બહાર અંતર્ગત ઊર્જા ખેંચી જીવન એક નવી પેઢી બનાવવા સારવાર છે. આયુર્વેદ ના દવાઓ મજબૂત અડે હાલના અથવા શક્ય hindrances કે શું ધ્યાનમાં અથવા શરીર ધરાવે શમન.આયુર્વેદ અંગ પ્રત્યારોપણ સહિતની સર્જિકલ નવીનતા માટે માર્ગ મોકળો કર્યો હતો. શાસ્ત્રીય આયુર્વેદિક નિબંધો અમને ઓપરેટિવ શસ્ત્રક્રિયા અને મંદબુદ્ધિ અને તીક્ષ્ણ તે માટે વપરાતા સાધનોમાં અધિકૃત વર્ણનો પૂરી પાડે છે. સસ `ruta, SUS` ruta samhitaa લેખક, પ્લાસ્ટિક સર્જરી ના પિતા તરીકે ગણાવ્યો છે. તેમના સંક્ષેપ ઉત્સુકતા અને અવલોકન કરવાની જરૂરિયાત બહાર માનવ શરીર પર વિવિધ પ્રક્રિયાઓ હાથ ધરવા પર ભાર મૂકે છે.Caraka Samhitaa, SUS `ruta Samhitaa, Asht` aan'ga sangraha અને Asht `aan'ga HR` દયા પ્રખ્યાત આયુર્વેદિક નિબંધો છે. માધવ Nidaana, Bhaavaprakaas `એક, એસ` aarn'gadhara Samhitaa વગેરે પણ દાક્તરો વચ્ચે આદેશ લોકપ્રિયતા. આ Maadhava Nidaana ઓફ પેથોલોજી એક પુસ્તિકા છે જ્યારે અન્ય બધા લોકોને દવા અને શસ્ત્રક્રિયા પર અનેક જ્ઞાનકોશીય કામોમાંના છે. Cakradatta, યોગા Ratnaakara અને ભૈષજન્ય Ratnavali જેવા પુસ્તકો મુખ્યત્વે પુસ્તકો છે ઉપચારશાસ્ત્ર સાથે સંપૂર્ણ વ્યવહાર. આ તમામ પુસ્તકો સંસ્કૃતમાં લખાય છે અને વિવિધ ભાષ્યો અને આ પુસ્તકો અનુવાદ પણ ઉપલબ્ધ છે. ત્યાં સ્થાનિક માં પણ પુસ્તકો લખવામાં ઝાકઝમાળ છે.Panchakarma આયુર્વેદિક સારવાર સાર છે. તે કારણે જાદુઈ પરિણામો તેને અન્યથા અસાધ્ય રોગો પર પણ લાવી શકે છે લોકપ્રિય બની હતી. શરીરમાં શુદ્ધ અને સારવાર એક તંદુરસ્ત વાક્ય મારફતે સામાન્ય લય ફરીથી ઉપચાર દ્વારા નિયત કે, શરીર પર હાજરી તરીકે સમગ્ર દવા એક વિરલ ખ્યાલ છે અને તે Panchakarma મુખ્ય તાકાત હોય છે. Emesis, શુદ્ધિકરણ તેલ બસ્તિક્રિયા, ઉકાળો બસ્તિક્રિયા અને Errhines Panchakarma ઓફ પાંચ ઓપરેટિવ કાર્યવાહી રચે છે.કેરલ મોડ્યુલેટ ઘણા ખાસ દર્દીઓમાં જરૂરિયાતોને પૂર્ણ કરવા માટે અને રોગો ઉપચાર સારવાર છે. તેઓ વિવિધ સિંચાઇ થેરાપી અને ગરમ પાણીનો શેક સિંક્રનાઇઝ માલિશ સાથે જોડાઈ સમાવેશ થાય છે. Pizhiccil, Navara kizhi અને S `iro dhaara, કેરાલા વિશેષતા કેટલાક કાયાકલ્પ ઉપચાર અને તણાવયુક્ત અને ખેંચાયેલી માટે રાહત પૂરી મુખ્ય સાધનો રચે છે.ભારત, આયુર્વેદ જમીન, તે ચોક્કસપણે એક વૈજ્ઞાનિક શૈક્ષણિક આયુર્વેદ શીખવે પદ્ધતિ અપનાવે છે. ભારતીય ઓફ મેડિસિન સેન્ટ્રલ કાઉન્સિલ, ભારત સરકાર દ્વારા રચવામાં, અને આયુર્વેદિક શિક્ષણ અને પ્રેક્ટિસ ગુણવત્તા પ્રમાણભૂત મોનીટર કરે છે.તે તારણ, તે નોંધવું જોઇએ કે આયુર્વેદ સારવાર એક માત્ર વિજ્ઞાન નથી, તે તંદુરસ્ત જીવન એક શૈલી છે.
લેખ સોર્સ:

Thursday, August 23, 2012

The History Of Ayurveda

Ayurveda's history starts from the time of the holy books, the Vedas. Ancient mythology contends that the concept and essence of Ayurveda was revealed by the creator of the word himself- Lord Brahma. Ayurveda stands for "the knowledge for long life" as the word 'Ayur' means 'life or longevity' and 'Veda' means 'knowledge or science' in Sanskrit. Ayurveda is the most ancient science of healing which enhances longevity of the one being healed. Ayurveda has an influence on many other ancient and traditional methods of healing including Tibetan, Chinese and Greek medicine. Hence it is considered by most of the civilizations as the 'mother of healing.'
The Ayurveda literature appeared on Indian medical practice for the first time during the Vedic period in India. It started centuries ago and over the following centuries, ayurvedic practitioners have developed a number of medicinal preparations and surgical procedures for the treatment of various diseases. Even today there are many who prefer ayurvedic medicines over allopathic ones and currently the method of treatment through ayurvedic medicines is regarded as part of complementary and alternative medicines.
Ayurveda generally used to be practiced by Rishis and Munis, who lived in a large area surrounding the Himalayas. At present these areas are in countries like Nepal, India, Pakistan, Bhutan and Tibet. The civilizations of these countries are deeply influenced by the unique intellectual contributions that these Rishis and Munis made during their period. A few civilizations of these countries still follow these remedies for healing in the same orthodox method used before. The practical tenets of Ayurveda can be divided into eight sections. These sections are: internal medicine, surgery, organic medicine, pediatrics, toxicology, rejuvenating remedy, aphrodisiac remedies and spiritual healing. These eight sections are termed as 'Astanga Ayurveda' in Sanskrit.
As these Ayurvedic methods have been derived from holy books, Ayurveda is a complete holistic system that integrates the mind, body and spirit in order to heal and enhances longevity. There was a time in the history of India when the tradition of Ayurveda was dimmed due to foreign invasions. The sacred texts were either destroyed or stolen and people were stopped from following the tradition of Ayurveda. However, many doctors and Vaidyas managed to preserve the knowledge and have brought them into use now. Today there is a revival of the ancient culture and traditions inherent to Ayurveda. This is a true gift to the modern world by the ancient civilization.

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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Herbal Viagra for Lasting Longer in Bed

Herbal Viagra for Lasting Longer in Bed
Perhaps no other drug in the entire history of humankind has achieved as much fame (and at the same time, notoriety) as Viagra. Targeted at curing impotency, this drug - developed by the pharmaceutical giant Pfizer - has achieved almost cult status, with sales of over hundreds of thousands of pills everyday around the globe. The success of Viagra itself speaks volumes about how prevalent impotency is among men all over the world.
However, ancient sciences like Ayurveda and Unani have been known and practiced several natural medicines for treating impotence since centuries, and that too with positive results. These therapies are herbal, and most of them have been proven for their efficacies in the western world too.
But before going into details of the natural treatment options available for impotence, let us see what the real Viagra does. Viagra is the trade name for the drug sildenafil citrate. When it is consumed, it helps the blood flow to focus better on the corpus cavernosa of the penis. The corpus cavernosa is composed of several spongy tissues. When these spongy tissues are engorged with blood, the penis becomes hard, which is the state of erection. Thus, Viagra brings about a temporary erection by filling the corpus cavernosa with blood.
There are some disadvantages when a person consumes Viagra. One of the most important ones is that Viagra needs to be continuously used to obtain an erection. No Viagra, no erection. And those who use Viagra know how expensive the little blue pill is! Health-wise, Viagra can produce explained common colds, headaches and dyspepsia. Sometimes, Viagra can produce embarrassing prolonged erections. Prolonged use of Viagra can cause loss of peripheral vision and also total blindness. There have also been cases known of men suffering from heart attacks when having sexual intercourse under the effect of Viagra. Hence, the medical fraternity has always maintained that Viagra is a potentially harmful drug.
This has led both medical experts as well as users to keep seeking for alternatives to Viagra. This has made the herbal supplements ever more popular. The sudden interest of the western world in the Ayurvedic herbs and supplements for the treatment of impotence is due to the success of the Viagra. Before that most men were learning to cope up with their conditions of impotence.
However, now that we know that several herbal supplements exist for the treatment of Viagra, let us see how they affect the male penis. All these are carefully made preparations by mixing just the right amounts of several herbs and then carrying out several intricate processes for blending them. Since the name Viagra has become so common, these preparations are called as herbal Viagras in slang, though they have nothing to do with Viagra. Viagra is a chemical drug, herbal Viagras are made of herbal constituents.
But just like the original Viagra, the herbal Viagras work in two ways:
(i) they improve the circulation of blood to the penis and (ii) they alter the hormones so that the male has better libido.
Herbal supplements are used for the treatment of not just impotence, but several other male sexual problems such as weak libidos, penis curves, penis enlargement, premature ejaculation, etc.
The important herbal constituents used in herbal Viagras are Panax ginseng (Indian Ginseng), Rosemarinus officinalis (Rosemary), Avena sativa (Oats), Muira puama (Potency Wood), Lepidium meyenii (Maca), Ginkgo biloba (Ginkgo), Tribulus terrestris (Caltrop) along with scores of other herbs. The first thing that these herbs do is to improve the circulation of blood in the region of the penis, which causes harder and more permanent erections. One more important function is to improve the male sexual hormone, testosterone, which helps in increasing the male libido and also to make the man perform the sexual act better. Some of these herbs can have antidepressant properties, which are very much beneficial in the treatment of men who are suffering from problems pertaining to weak erections.
In the Indian Ayurvedic tradition, there is a whole list of more herbs which are used in the preparation of herbal Viagras. These are different from the above herbs, in the sense that they are used almost exclusively for the treatment of impotence. Some of these herbs are the dong quai, kava, blessed thistle, black cohosh, golden seal, etc. These are the same herbs that are used in the enhancement of breasts in females.
In recent times, a particular substance called as yohimbine has gained a lot of popularity in the treatment of male sexual problems. Yohimbine is extracted in its hydrochloride form from the tree Pausinystalia yohimbe, indigenous to West Africa. Yohimbine hydrochloride has been proved to generate better and more sustained erections in men. It is being widely used nowadays in alternatives to Viagra. Some Ayurvedic supplements are using yohimbine in their preparations.
Herbal Viagras are made by carefully mixing specific herbs like those mentioned above in the proper proportion. They might be mixed in some oils, or burnt into ash, or molten into a semi-liquid semi-solid kind of preparation, or prepared in some other way. The basic intention is to make the best use of the chemicals present in the herbs. The herbal Viagras are generally to be taken with milk.
Since the herbal Viagras contain more than one herb in them, one major plus point becomes that a single preparation can be used to treat several male sexual problems at once. Also, since they are made of natural herbs, they do not have major side effects like the real Viagra does.
But some precautions need to be taken. First and foremost, if you are suffering from hypotension, you need to ask an Ayurvedic doctor whether you can have the herbal Viagra. Some people claim that since herbal Viagras alter the hormonal balance of the body, they are potentially harmful. This is true indeed if the herbal Viagras are taken for a long time. There may be interference with other hormone-driven activities of the body. Some components of the herbal Viagras can also cause depression, dyspepsia, headaches, common colds, etc. when used separately. However, whether they can cause the same effects in their mixture form or not is yet to be studied properly.
For these reasons, the use of herbal Viagras are also considered skeptically by medical experts. However, the general idea is that they are much safer than the natural Viagras and more usable for a wide number of people.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

डॉक्टरों शिक्षा और कैरियर सूचना

डॉक्टरों शिक्षा और कैरियर सूचनाभारत में हम एक विशेष सम्मान, प्यार, और डॉक्टरों की ओर स्नेह है. समृद्ध संस्कृति और विरासत एक कारण है, क्यों एक डॉक्टर के एक विशेष ध्यान और समाज में सम्मान प्राप्त है, विशेषता या अपने क्रेडिट करने के लिए डिग्री की संख्या के बिना हो सकता है, लेकिन एक डॉक्टर से किया जा रहा है कि आसान नहीं है, कठोर शिक्षा के वर्ष और फिर अभ्यास जीवन से बाहर सब रस ले.
अन्य पश्चिमी देशों के विपरीत भारत में एक डॉक्टर भी अपने मरीजों के साथ लगी हुई है अच्छे पुराने दिनों में, लोगों को भी समाज के लिए एक सेवा के रूप में इस पेशे का चयन करें और अपने जीवन समर्पित.
भारत में चिकित्सा शिक्षा के पश्चिम से काफी अलग है, यदि किसी की इच्छा भारत में एक डॉक्टर बनने के लिए वरिष्ठ माध्यमिक परीक्षाओं के बाद, एक के लिए प्रवेश परीक्षा है कि एक मेडिकल कॉलेज के द्वार खोलता है, जहां एक एमबीबीएस की प्रक्रिया के लिए दिखाई देते हैं जरूर है कि पांच साल की है और एक आधे साल की अवधि एक वर्ष अनिवार्य निवास के साथ साथ डिग्री. एक बार व्यक्ति को उसकी / उसके कार्यक्रम पूर्ण है, वे डॉक्टर के रूप में अभ्यास शुरू कर सकते हैं, वे ड्यूटी डॉक्टर या निवासी चिकित्सक के रूप में काम कर सकते हैं. इसके अलावा एक एमडी / एमएस कार्यक्रम है, जो एक उच्च संबंधित विशेषता में स्नातकोत्तर डिग्री के लिए प्रदर्शित कर सकते हैं.
मेडिसिन में एमडीएमडी जो एमबीबीएस की डिग्री धारण कर रहे हैं उन चिकित्सा स्नातकों के लिए सम्मानित किया जाता है, और अध्ययन के तीन साल बाद और एक परीक्षा है, जो दोनों सिद्धांत और व्यावहारिक, एक गैर सर्जिकल प्रकृति के एक पूर्व नैदानिक ​​या नैदानिक ​​विषय में शामिल गुजर रहा है. मूल अनुसंधान तत्व के रूप में प्रमुख यहाँ नहीं है, क्योंकि यह मुख्य रूप से एक नैदानिक ​​संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका के पेशेवर डॉक्टरेट जैसी योग्यता है.
सर्जरी में एमएसइसी तरह सर्जरी, हड्डी रोग, और प्रसूतिशास्र में समकक्ष डिग्री मास्टर ऑफ सर्जरी (एमएस) है. डीएनबी योग्यता (राष्ट्रीय बोर्ड की Diplomate) के एमडी और एमएस योग्यता के समकक्ष माना जाता है, दोनों योग्यता में अंतर है कि एमडी / एमएस चिकित्सा परिषद द्वारा सम्मानित किया गया है जबकि डीएनबी राष्ट्रीय बोर्ड की Diplomate से है. कि एक बोर्ड द्वारा मान्यता प्राप्त अस्पतालों में 3 साल के बाद एमबीबीएस प्रशिक्षण पूरा करने के बाद परीक्षाओं के राष्ट्रीय बोर्ड द्वारा आयोजित परीक्षा गुजर द्वारा प्राप्त किया जा सकता है.
सर्जरी में चिकित्सा और मच में डीएमआगे विशेषज्ञता के लिए एक चिकित्सा या शल्य चिकित्सा के क्षेत्र में पहली स्नातकोत्तर डिग्री है, जो या तो एमडी / एमएस या डीएनबी के बाद जा सकते हैं. यह कठिन कठोर प्रशिक्षण और अध्ययन के तीन वर्षों की आवश्यकता है और फिर एक परीक्षा पास, दोनों सिद्धांत और व्यावहारिक है, और डिग्री से सम्मानित किया डीएम (चिकित्सा में डॉक्टरेट, supers विशेषता चिकित्सक) जैसे डीएम में कार्डियोलॉजी, न्यूरोलॉजी, नेफ्रोलॉजी, गैस्ट्रो - आंत्रविज्ञान आदि शल्य उप विशेषता के लिए सम्मानित किया गया डिग्री मच, जैसे मच (कार्डिएक सर्जरी), मच (न्यूरोसर्जरी) आदि डीएम या मच डिग्री फैलोशिप अमेरिका में की पेशकश की है और भारत में पोस्ट डॉक्टरेट डिग्री के रूप में माना प्रशिक्षण के बराबर माना जाता है, भारत में पीएचडी के लिए इसी तरह की. एक बार एक चिकित्सक एक विशेष डिग्री लाभ है, वह / वह आगे एक सुपर विशेषता अस्पताल में अभ्यास करेंगे.
राष्ट्रीय बोर्ड के डीएनबी - Diplomateराष्ट्रीय बोर्ड या डीएनबी Diplomate शीर्षक राष्ट्रीय परीक्षा बोर्ड द्वारा उपलब्ध कराई गई है. यह आमतौर पर व्यक्ति का नाम है जो इसे से सम्मानित किया गया के बाद डीएनबी के रूप में उल्लेख किया है. परीक्षाओं के राष्ट्रीय बोर्ड भारत के स्वास्थ्य मंत्रालय की शैक्षिक हाथ के द्वारा संचालित है. डीएनबी डिग्री स्वास्थ्य मंत्रालय द्वारा 1975 में शुरू की गई थी भारत में उच्च शिक्षा के लिए बेंच मार्क मानकों को प्रदान करने और वैश्विक मानकों को पूरा.
वहाँ भी कई और डॉक्टर कार्यक्रम, कौशल विकास और उन्नयन और ज्ञान में उन्हें नए अंतरराष्ट्रीय मानदंडों और दिशा निर्देशों के लिए मदद के लिए डिप्लोमा अन्य अल्पकालिक सीएमई कार्यक्रम कर रहे हैं.
भारत की जनसंख्या को ध्यान में रखते हुए, चिकित्सक रोगी अनुपात का अंतर बहुत अधिक है, यद्यपि भारत देश है जहां मेडिकल छात्रों की अधिकतम संख्या हर साल स्नातक है, प्रतिभा पलायन प्रमुख कारणों से हम क्यों चिकित्सक रोगी अनुपात में इतना बड़ा फर्क है में से एक है. डॉक्टरों को विस्थापित करने के लिए बेहतर अवसर के अनुसरण में अन्य विकसित.
धीरे धीरे लेकिन लगातार, भारत भी अंतरराष्ट्रीय स्तर पर बढ़ रहा है और कई कंपनियों के अस्पताल के उद्भव के साथ के साथ भारत में उन अत्यधिक योग्य विशेषज्ञ चिकित्सक को बनाए रखने में मदद मिलेगी.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Benefits Of Natural Herbal Remedies

Benefits Of Natural Herbal Remedies
By John Brian 
Natural herbal remedies are getting more and more popular due to the Internet. New information and testimonials from people cured of diseases are being established and known throughout the world. Remedies have been used since the beginning of time. While this type of alternative medicine is very popular in Asian countries, it is now becoming widely practiced and used also in the United States. There are so many benefits of natural remedies that prescription drugs do not offer. Aside from the therapeutic effect, natural herbal remedies are safe, cost a lot less than prescription drugs, and they are non-addictive.
So it is easy to see why more and more people are using alternative medicines. There are many different types of herbs for different types of ailments. We have herbs for the mind or for psychological healing. For getting depressed, herbal products will treat it as a whole rather than focusing at the mind. Depression can be caused by lack of nutrition and hormonal imbalance. There are many herbs that will treat the lack of nutrition and hormonal imbalance before going straight to the mind. Once those are treated, there are treatments that will naturally increase the chemicals in the brain to produce more serotonin which is the happy chemical. Serotonin in our brain often alleviates depression and allows us to become more happy.
There are also many natural remedies that help us in school. One of the famous herbs that help us remember is gingko biloba. This natural remedy helps the brain retain more memory thus helping us study better and get higher grades. Getting A+ on exams has never been easier. Since a lot of remedies are safe and very effective, we don't need to think about the consequences of taking them. We can keep getting better grades, better performance and better overall GPA by taking natural herbal remedies without worrying about adverse side effects.
There are also remedies to help us focus more and help our concentration. These herbs and spices often give a lot of benefits to all ages. Old people that need to focus and concentrate can use these herbs to help them remember and complete their tasks. They are also used by students who wants to have an easier time studying and concentrating in schools. They are also used by businessmen and entrepreneurs to help them relieve themselves of procrastination, allowing them to be more productive and earn more money.
Natural herbal remedies can help us in many ways. These are the reasons why we should use them. They are safe and non-habit forming or non-addictive. They aren't expensive plus they have lots of therapeutic effects. Natural herbal remedies can bring out the potential in all of us. It can help us in our everyday tasks to important ones that need to succeed. Trying out some natural herbal remedies is practically a must. What can we lose if they don't work? Nothing at all because they are very inexpensive.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Karamojong Long Penis -Penis Size and Women's Views in India

Karamojong Long Penis -Penis Size and Women's Views in India

If you have a thick, long penis that is adequate or more than adequate enough, rejoice But if you have an average size penis that is about 5-inches long, be happy because women are satisfied with the length. In fact, long penises can be a problem for women though they may be visually appealing to them. Let us look at penis sizes, lengths and thickness, and see where do they fit in the woman (the mind that is, silly)
More than 6.6 inches long: You may think that you are above all 'man kind' but most women will agree that they may feel pain at the back of their vagina. Also too much length wont really help her because only the first three inches of the vagina from the entrance responds to stimulation of an object or organ inside it.
4.5 to 6.5 inches long: This is the perfect length of an erect penis for a woman. Her vaginal nerves are stimulated well and an average guy can put pressure on the clitoris by moving on top of the woman.
4.4. inches or less: Though may not be really visually stimulating to a woman, it does its job, provided the man knows how to use the right technique. During the initial stages of arousal, the vagina expands more to welcome a foreign object; then it closes back on it and holds it tight. The man whose organ comes in this category, lengthwise, can make good use of his finge to let the vagina expand, close on it and get a tighter fit. You can then penetrate her with the organ. You can also trim the pubic hair to make the penis appear longer to he
I am however, very sure Karamojong men are not even aware that they have "weapons of mass destruction". I'd probably have a mouth-cleansing ritual performed on me if I even said anything about "penis size". They just don't care about those kinds of things. Like their brothers, the Masai of Kenya/Tanzania, Turkana of Kenya, Suruma of Ethiopia etc., Karamojong men are proud warriors who strictly live by social and moral codes determined by the tribe/clan -- these social and moral codes don't include obsessing about penis size.
I grew up with these boys and some of them are my closest friends, I never saw anyone hang anything on his penis. Never! IT'S NOT TRUE that Karamojong boys hang circular stone disks on the tips of their penises. ABSOLUTELY NOT TRUE.
If the Karamojong penis size is long enough to capture the attention of those selling penis enlargement equipment and techniques, it has to do with their genes and not hanging circular stone disks on the tips of their penises. If you don't believe me, take a trip to Karamoja and see if you see any boys with stones or discs hanging on the tips of their penises. I am even happy to accompany you, provided you pay for my airfare.
Here is my plea. If there is any young man out there tying weights to his penis because Karamojong boys do it to achieve monumental and elongated penises, PLEASE STOP IT!
Instead consult with a sex therapist who can help you deal with the issues of penis size. I am not a sex therapist -- I CAN'T HELP YOU. I can tell you though, many women don't give a hoot about the size of your penis. Just give them some good loving sex -- that's all. But I tried telling that to the young man who emailed me and he didn't believe me when I told him "penis size" is men's "problem", not women's. He still wanted a longer and largerpenis. I told him what I just said here, talk to a sex therapist.

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Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Herbal Treatments for Premature Ejaculation and Penis Enlargement

Herbal Treatments for Premature Ejaculation and Penis Enlargement Natural Penile Enlargement - Using Herbs, Foods, Supplements, and Techniques to Add 1.5 Inches Fast

Premature ejaculation and penis enlargement are two of the most common sexual disorders that men find themselves afflicted these days. Premature ejaculation is a sexual disorder in which a male, usually in his early forties, experience rapid or premature ejaculation. If this is such an occurrence in every one out of two union, then the couple should seek premature ejaculation treatment or any type of medical help.
On the other hand, more men nowadays are becoming more conscious of the size of their manhood. This is understandable as they only want the best for their women, which means those who are inadequate on this aspect often find themselves wondering how to get their hands on an effective penis enlargement treatment.
This is the reason why premature ejaculation and penis enlargement herbal remedies have become popular choices these days. They are used by health conscious men as such remedies are organic and utilize only natural ingredients, and hence have no major side effects.
Two of the most sought after herbal remedies are gingko biloba and Ginseng which are great for erectile dysfunctions. These natural remedies promote significant improvement in the blood flow in the body, enabling men to have full control of their ejaculation and enjoy more firm erections. This is aside from the fact that such herbal remedies are generally healthy as they work to tone the entire physical body.
When it comes to herbal remedies meant for penis enlargement treatment, there is the very popular Indian ginseng which has been used for a long time and is known to be a very effective male enhancer. If fact, many users have already attested to its general effectiveness as a male reproductive sex treatment, not only in achieving penis enlargement, but also in helping to firm up the penis and maintain its erection during intercourse.
Of course, guidelines for sex treatment include the rule that these herbal treatments are taken with caution and under the supervision of a certified health professional. Albeit one advantage of such treatment over the other types is that herbal treatment is natural and has minimal side effects on the human body.
Herbal remedies for premature ejaculation and penis enlargement are indeed very effective as sex treatments. They deliver positive results in most case, making the man and his partner fully satisfied during sexual intercourse. However, one should note that while they are relatively safe, he still has to be careful especially if he has other known health condition or taking other medicine.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Safe Penis Enlargement-Naturaly Penis Enlargement

Penis enlargement is safe? Secure the best option for penis enlargement penis enlargement and natural law - increase your penis naturally

Selection for male enhancement penis enlargement with a large number of men is a growing trend. The traction devices, exercise programs and pills, including Iran, sophisticated and clinical resources for development is highly recommended.However, not all products are equally good and effective. Matter of fact some of them may be dangerous to sing your penile health. The best choice for penis enhancement include:

1. Traction equipment2. Exercise Program for Male EnhancementHowever, in view of a male enhancement product you need to buy some things. While deciding on a traction device
Studies indicate that men are basically two reasons for the large-scale resort to male enhancement. First sexual performance and increase the enjoyment of themselves and their partner kiosks and secondly, to promote their self-esteem and confidence to help. If you are sure you can be a good lover in bed, you have a high self-esteem and are more likely to believe in yourself. Blessed by nature with a large member of the patient men who are not suffering from a lack of trust. And it is your confidence attracts women more often than not. It is wrong to conclude that size, as is certainly important.Vacuum pump, do weights, and surgery. It is known that the fuse damage the erectile tissue and Weights Pumps sing. However, you increase the length of its member through hanging weights can make your penis thin and cause tissue damage to make you impotent.Patient hand surgery and there is extreme pain, risk measures, and funding is comprised of a large degree. This makes this method highly nonviable.Successful methods include male enhancement exercises, traction devices and tablets. Traction devices and exercise regimens to sing freely and help to shape its members. Pills to hand over the patient to stimulate blood supply to the male genitalia to increase firmness and strength of erections promote complement.
Also, you can stop well you need to be informed about the product. For example, if you decide on a traction device, make sure a certified CE, approved by doctors and there are clinical studies of the device can support. Far more comfortable to wear, which makes it even more effective is a device that comes with a padded rubber strap feature.
• You must ensure that it is clinically proven and approved by doctorsThe male enhancement expert and certified by the Election Commission recommended• It is comfortable to wear. Tools to facilitate the best fit with a padded rubber strap so that you can wear the device for a long period to come.
Are you sure that it is light and thoughtful and should be noticeable under his jumper.In addition, •, it should come with a guarantee. 6 months to come up with better tools to compete risk-free guarantee• And finally, know what real customers say about the product not to forget

Make Your Penis Bigger Starting Today - This Penis Enlargement Method Is Medically Proven

Make Your Penis Bigger Starting Today - This Penis Enlargement Method Is Medically Proven

Male enhancement is a huge market with loads of products. There is no dearth of products that claim to add inches to your male sexual organ within a period of 2 weeks and what makes things difficult for you is that a majority of these products are not only useless and a waste of money but can also be damaging to your penile health.
Pills are by far the most popular product for male enhancement. Though a lot of men do not believe that they can add size to the male genitalia, they use them for treating other sexual disorders that include erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation and enhancing semen production.
What is the meaning of penis stretching? Why are the penis stretchers the best solution of making penis bigger? Why not others like patches, pills, weights or exercises. In this article, we are going to let you give answer some unanswered questions.
Penis stretching is a process that helps you to get the bigger penis obviously using a safe method. Nowadays the stretchers are the popular doctor's recommended devices. These were used actually in ancient cultures of India, Africa, and South America. But in the modern world, doctors are recommending these as because these are being used to help re-grow the tissues.
Other methods or devices like pills, patches, weights won't give the permanent results. Moreover they are not safe to use. Pills won't make your penis bigger or longer; it can only get the blood circulated fast. Patches and weights are so damn risky. So you had better not use these types of products. If you did then it would be a great mistake. Remember that you have just one penis. And if you damage it for a little bit, you will lose everything as well as you will suffer for it trough your whole life
There are so many penis enlargement programs online and the number is growing all the time. And although some of these programs are legitimate and really do work, then there are also programs and methods that need to be avoided. These methods and programs can vary from somewhat ineffective to completely ineffective and it is not uncommon to cause injury to your penis. So before you get involved in making your penis bigger, take a few minutes and learn what to avoid.
There are a lot of guys who are insecure and have the misfortune of having a small penis size, that does cause them problems. Even average or little above average penis size, is not enough for some men. And I really do not have any issues with guys, who have above average size and still want to gain more. But when people act too fast and are desperate, they could make mistakes. Obviously you want to grow your penis effectively, quickly, safely and cheaply.
Do you want your penis to be larger, thicker, and more satisfying to women? If your penis is too small to satisfy and you are self-conscious about it, don't worry - I was in the same boat at one time. You don't have to stay that way forever, worrying about what new sex partners will say or think about your undersized member. Starting today, you can build a permanently larger penis that not only will give your sexual performance a huge boost, but will also improve your self-confidence and the aura you project around women. You will be able to approach them with confidence knowing that you will satisfy them EVERY time. There are a lot of penis enlargement products out there that promise a lot but deliver very little. This is why it is vital to use a penis enlargement method that is medically proven, safe, and recommended by doctors.
The method that fits into every one of the above vital categories is traction. The best way to apply traction to your penis is with a state of the art penis extender, which is also known as a penis traction device or penis stretching device. Unlike ineffective methods such as hanging weights, pumps, pills, surgery, and exercise programs, traction is doctor approved and clinically proven to be effective both for penis enlargement and for the treatment of an excessive penile curvature, known as Peyronie's disease. Peyronie's is actually what caused the penis extender to be recognized as a viable penis enlargement device. The way it helped men with Peyronie's is that it lessened the degree and severity of curvature by lengthening the penile shaft. Once those results were seen on many men, it didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that this device would be effective for increasing the size of ANY man's penis, Peyronie's or not

Monday, August 6, 2012

Penis Enlargement

 What Works, What Doesn't?

From Jerry Kennard, former Guide
Pills and Potions for Penis Enlargement
There are literally hundreds of adverts and articles on penis enlargement -- your inbox probably suffers as a result. They talk of the amazing, 'unbelievable' results that can be achieved. The only honest word here is 'unbelievable'. Save your money. Nothing currently on the market has a permanent affect on increasing penis size.
Vacuum Devices for Penis Enlargement
Vacuum devices are often recommended for the treatment of impotence. They are also advertised for penis enlargement because the penis does increase in size for a time.
Vacuum pumps are placed over the penis. Air is then drawn from the tube and this creates pressure. As a result, blood is forced rapidly into the penis, as happens in an erection. A ring is then applied temporarily to the base of the penis to stop the blood draining away too quickly. Penis enlargement will only work for around 24 hours.
There can also be side effects. Blood vessels can rupture causing swelling and pain. If you do want to try a vacuum device for erectile problems, or you feel it might be a pleasant sensation, you do need to be aware of the potential dangers and the fact that some devices available are poorly designed.
Penis Exercises
As the penis does not contain any muscles there are no exercises or massage techniques that will enlarge it, (except in the short term).
Surgery for Penis Enlargement
Surgery offers the only permanent solution for enlargement of the penis. Through surgery, the penis can be visually enlarged, usually by just over an inch. The surgeon will cut the ligaments that hold the penis in its usual position and this allows the penis to descend. Weights, or stretching devices, are then used for a few months to effect a permanent increase in size. The procedure may result in scar tissue, the erection will point down, and the base of the penis will be hairy.
Another surgical technique is known as a dermal implant. Girth and length can be increased by transplanting fat cells from other parts of the body to the penis. As the size of head of the penis cannot be increased the results can be visually rather odd.
Sometimes the distribution of the grafted cells results in clumping and a gives a far from smooth result. Many Urologists will not perform this type of surgery unless there are good therapeutic reasons.
Cost of Surgical Enlargement of the Penis
Costs for this type of surgery, be it penile lengthening, widening or enhancement, ranges from $4000 to $5000 dollars and up to $17000.
Post Operative Complications and Penis Enlargement
As with any form of surgery there are a number of potential risks both psychological and physical.

  • The results of penis enhancement surgery do not satisfy everyone. This is partly because the hope such procedures will cure, or be the answer to a problem, are often not fulfilled.

  • Anxiety may detract from the pleasure or fantasy of a bigger penis

  • During any surgical technique things can go wrong, albeit, very rarely. These include:
  • Post operative infections

  • Damage to surrounding tissue and nerves

  • Side effects of an anesthesia
  • Penis Enlargement

     What Works, What Doesn't?

    From Jerry Kennard, former Guide
    Pills and Potions for Penis Enlargement
    There are literally hundreds of adverts and articles on penis enlargement -- your inbox probably suffers as a result. They talk of the amazing, 'unbelievable' results that can be achieved. The only honest word here is 'unbelievable'. Save your money. Nothing currently on the market has a permanent affect on increasing penis size.
    Vacuum Devices for Penis Enlargement
    Vacuum devices are often recommended for the treatment of impotence. They are also advertised for penis enlargement because the penis does increase in size for a time.
    Vacuum pumps are placed over the penis. Air is then drawn from the tube and this creates pressure. As a result, blood is forced rapidly into the penis, as happens in an erection. A ring is then applied temporarily to the base of the penis to stop the blood draining away too quickly. Penis enlargement will only work for around 24 hours.
    There can also be side effects. Blood vessels can rupture causing swelling and pain. If you do want to try a vacuum device for erectile problems, or you feel it might be a pleasant sensation, you do need to be aware of the potential dangers and the fact that some devices available are poorly designed.
    Penis Exercises
    As the penis does not contain any muscles there are no exercises or massage techniques that will enlarge it, (except in the short term).
    Surgery for Penis Enlargement
    Surgery offers the only permanent solution for enlargement of the penis. Through surgery, the penis can be visually enlarged, usually by just over an inch. The surgeon will cut the ligaments that hold the penis in its usual position and this allows the penis to descend. Weights, or stretching devices, are then used for a few months to effect a permanent increase in size. The procedure may result in scar tissue, the erection will point down, and the base of the penis will be hairy.
    Another surgical technique is known as a dermal implant. Girth and length can be increased by transplanting fat cells from other parts of the body to the penis. As the size of head of the penis cannot be increased the results can be visually rather odd.
    Sometimes the distribution of the grafted cells results in clumping and a gives a far from smooth result. Many Urologists will not perform this type of surgery unless there are good therapeutic reasons.
    Cost of Surgical Enlargement of the Penis
    Costs for this type of surgery, be it penile lengthening, widening or enhancement, ranges from $4000 to $5000 dollars and up to $17000.
    Post Operative Complications and Penis Enlargement
    As with any form of surgery there are a number of potential risks both psychological and physical.

  • The results of penis enhancement surgery do not satisfy everyone. This is partly because the hope such procedures will cure, or be the answer to a problem, are often not fulfilled.

  • Anxiety may detract from the pleasure or fantasy of a bigger penis

  • During any surgical technique things can go wrong, albeit, very rarely. These include:
  • Post operative infections

  • Damage to surrounding tissue and nerves

  • Side effects of an anesthesia
  • Saturday, August 4, 2012

    Penis enlargement pills – Am I ready for this?

    Most of the men want a bigger penis and many of them are ready to start taking the penis enlargement pills in order to accomplish their goals. This is definitely one of the better methods when it comes to making your penis longer. The pills are going to increase blood flow which means that more blood is going to fill your penis and after some time the cells and the tissue is going to grow which means that your penis is going to grow too.
    If you are really committed to making your penis longer, you could include exercising as well which means that chances that your penis grows are much bigger, and that is why combining pills and exercises is always a good idea. Make sure that the pills are 100% natural which means that the ingredients are herbal based, and that is not all since these pills are going to increase your desire when it comes to sex. If you are looking for a solution which is long-term, you need to start searching for another one but pills since you are not going to get the best results by only using the pills.
    There are also extenders which are very good and you can also wear them while taking the pills. Some of the penis enlargement programs include traction devices, pills, DVDs with the exercises, etc. When it comes to the pills, do not buy them on the so called black market since there is no need to take that risk. Choose some of the popular websites if you don’t want to talk to your doctor about this issue and in the end you are going to find a good solution that you are going to be happy with.
    There is no doubt that if you want a longer penis, you need to mix several methods together since that is the best way to gain length and girth and that means that if you are already taking the penis enlargement pills, do some exercising, use the extenders, etc. When you put all this together, you are going to get the best results and that is what matters the most. After a couple of months, you are going to gain up to three inches which is great. No one can ask for anything more than that.
    There are many advantages when it comes to using the penis enlargement pills and some of those are better erections, lasting longer in bed, stopping premature ejaculations, better sex drive and of course – a longer penis. If this is what you want, you have come to the right place, and if you are still not sure whether or not to start taking the pills, our answer is Yes – start with the penis enlargement program, and you are going to see the results quite soon. There is no time for wasting since you deserve a much better sex life and so does your penis.